Martin Fartingale Terror on The Mount


Title: Martin Fartingale Terror on The Mount

Description: An stunning adventure for Martin Fartingale.

Author: Steven Latowski  Sighned

Published: Showpage Pty Ltd: 2006




Pages: 162 pages

Condition: Excellent

Price: $25.00 + postage

Weight: 210g

ISBN: 0-646-45722-5






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The Invention of Hugo Cabret


Title: The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Description: The story takes place in 1931, a boy discovers a mysterious drawing that changes his life forever.

Author: Brian Selznick

Published: Scholastic Press: 2007




Pages: 534 pages: Illustrations

Condition: Very Good, scratch on back cover

Price: $250.00 + postage

Weight: 1200g

ISBN: 10-:0-439-81378-6






Busselton Books
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Busselton WA 6280
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My Friend Flicka


Title: My Friend Flicka

Description: The story of boy and a colt on a ranch in Wyoming.

Author: Mary O’Hara

Published: Eyre and Spottiswoode: 1962




Pages: 232 pages: Illustrations by C. E.Tunnicliffe: Dust Jacket: AP

Condition: Good, Dust Jacket torn

Price: $12.00 + postage

Weight: 460g







Busselton Books
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Busselton WA 6280
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Description: Harry Potter is again trying to survive Voldermort.

Author: J.K. Rowling

Published: Bloomsbury: 2005: First Edition


Pages: 607 pages.

Condition: Good

Price: $80.00 +$15 postage

Weight: 670g

ISBN: 0 7475 8108 8






Busselton Books
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