The Great Roxhythe


Title: The Great Roxhythe

Description: This novel is a romance set in 17th Centary.

Author: Georgette Heyer

Published: William Heinemann Ltd: 1933


Pages: 395 pages

Condition: Good condition, some spotting.

Price: $100.00 +$8  postage

Weight: 430g







Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
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The Irishman


Title: The Irishman.

Description: Big Paddy Doolan is one of the most notorious teamsters in the Gulf Country of North Queensland. The story is of Micheal’s, one of Doolan’s sons, search for his father, but also of his friendship, his adventures and life on a cattle station.

Author: Elizabeth O’Conner

Published: Angus and Robertson, 1961

Pages: 318 pages

Condition: Excellent

Price: $80.00 + $8 postage

Weight: 390g

ISBN: 0 85905 014 9






Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
phone | (08) 9754 2044
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Dick Turpin Annual


Title: Dick Turpin Annual

Description: The Dick Turpin annual has charicture discriptions and comics all based on the TV Production.

Author: Gatetarn, Seacastle production associated with London Weekend Television.

Published: Grandreams Ltd, 1979

Pages: 62 pages: Photographs and Illustrations: AP

Condition: Very good one page has pen marks

Price: $30.00 + postage

Weight: 390g







Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
phone | (08) 9754 2044
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A Great Big Ugly Man Came Up and Tied His Horse to Me


Title: A Great Big Ugly Man Came Up and Tied His Horse to Me

Description: A book of nonsense Verse.

Author: Wallace Tripp

Published: A World’s Work Children’s Book, 1976

Pages: 46 pages: Illustrations by Wallace Tripp: Dust Jacket: AP

Condition: Good Ex Library

Price: $60.00 + postage

Weight: 410g

ISBN: 437 81217 0






Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
phone | (08) 9754 2044
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