Black Beauty


Title: Black Beauty

Description: Black Beauty is the tale of one horses hard life.

Author: Anna Sewell

Published: The Macmillan Company, 1962


Pages: 248 pages : Illustrations by Clifton Fadiman: Dust Jacket: AP

Condition: Good condition.

Price: $20.00 + $9

Weight: 580g







Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
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Horse And Stable Management


Title: Horse And Stable Management

Discription: This comprehensive handbook will give a greater understanding of how the horese functions. From this base it explains horse care in sound practical terms.

Author: Jeremy Houghton Brown & Vincent Powell-Smith

Published: Granada Piblishing: 1984

Pages: 240 pages: Illustrations & Photographs: AP

Condition: Excellent Condition

Price: $75.00 + $15 postage

Weight: 594g

ISBN: 0-246-11217-4

Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
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Cattle A Handbook to Breeds Of The World


Title: Cattle A Handbook To The Breeds Of The World

Description: this book describes in detail nearly every variety and breed of cattle in the world, both domesticated and wild.

Author: Valerie Porter

Published: Christopher Helm a & C Black: 1991

Pages: 400 pages: Illustrations by Jake Tebbit: Dust Jacket

Condition: Excellent Condition

Price: $100.00 + $15 postage

Weight: 1470g

ISBN: 0-7136 8000-8

Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
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Gay-Neck The Story Of A Pigeon


Title: Gay-Neck The Story Of A Pigeon

Description: Gay-Neck story is from when he is was young, through his training and when he goes to France to play his gallant part in the Great War as a message carrier.

Author: Dhan Gopal Mukerji

Published: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd: 1938

Pages: 152 pages: Photographs: Dust Jacket

Condition: Very Good, Dust Jacket torn

Price: $10.00 + $15 postage

Weight: 530g


Busselton Books
38-44 Albert Street
Busselton WA 6280
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